

发布时间: 2024-05-05 04:25:11北京青年报社官方账号





As they must comply with several stringent requirements, goods with a GI label respect unified standards at every point of their workflow, said Zhang Fan, deputy county magistrate of Sangzhi. Enterprises from upstream to downstream are also required to fulfill certain production techniques based on strict quality control.


As the pillar industries among the US, the European Union and Japan are overlapping more, Li said high-tech US companies will have less concern about their previous market share being taken by European or Japanese companies in China.


As we say in Chinese, every single detail counts in the accomplishment of big tasks. Going forward, these are the six things we plan to do. We'll cut the time it takes for opening a business by another half; we will reduce the time required for reviewing a project application by another half; we will put in place, at the national level, an e-platform for accessing government services; we will work to see that our people can get things done in one office, without the need for a second trip; and we will ensure that any requirement for certification that has no basis in law or regulations will be abolished.


As the race tightens, Trump continues to hit the campaign trail in support of GOP lawmakers, hammering on illegal immigration, at a time when the United States hosts around 12 million illegal migrants.


As regions in northern China begin to enter the winter heating season, the natural gas market will see increasing demand. The NDRC will work to ensure stable natural gas production and promote the building of gas networks and storage facilities, said NDRC spokesperson Meng Wei.


